05/24/2022 -
On Friday, May 6, in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, a technical meeting was held with over 30 applicators on Floor and Wall Installation Solutions with the Baseforte, Aquatutor, Grigokoll and FugaStyle lines.
The event was organized by the company ZAX HUNGARY which, from the end of 2019, distributes an important selection of Grigolin products in the Hungarian market.
After a brief presentation of the company Grigolin, the technical characteristics of the products were illustrated to prepare substrates (BaseForte), to waterproof (Aquatutor), to glue (Grigokoll) and to grout (Fugastyle).
The meeting continued with practical tests of the application of some products, in particular: the self-levelling GRIGOLEVEL 1_10, the waterproofing GRIGOFLEX FIBER, the adhesives for tiles GRIGOKOLL FLEX, MAX, ULTRAX, GENIUX and finally the grouts for tiles: Cementitious grout FUGASTYLE CEM 1_8, epoxy grout EPOX SUPER with the very useful cleaner for epoxy joints EPOX SPLENDOR.
The practical part saw the active participation of those present who were able to directly test the quality of the products.
The meeting was very satisfactory for the fruitful interaction between our technicians and the participating applicators and for the climate of collaboration that was created throughout the day.
Fornaci Calce Grigolin thanks the company ZAX Hungary Kft. for the wonderful organization and dedication and all participants for the attention and interest shown.