Coloured plasters

Lime is an ancient natural binder that Fornaci Calce Grigolin, since more than 55 years, produces with natural raw materials coming from its own quarries and cooks in technologically advanced continuous cycle kilns, fed by wood and sawdust, with the lowest environmental energy impact.
The tradition of colored plasters with natural earths, with cocciopesto and of "pastel" finishes is resumed and improved in the PALLADIO CALCECOLOR products of Fornaci Calce Grigolin. The colored plasters and mortars for Restoration and Conservative Restoration of buildings of historical and cultural interest, as well as for the decoration of newly built environments.
PALLADIO CALCECOLOR INTONACO, ARENINO and PASTELLATO are products based on MICROCALCE, the micronized aerial lime (lime flower) with high purity CL 90-S, produced in Ponte della Priula and Terracina.
Transpiring and ecological, they are available in a palette of 30 colors. They can also be colored and reproduced by sample, following any requirement requested by the designer.


Transpirant bio-based render, tinted in mass, based on micronised calcium...


Natural mineral thick plaster tinted in mass based on mycronized calcium...


Natural mineral finishing, tinted in mass, based on mycronized calcium...


Traditional plaster based on micronized calcium hydrated lime MICROCALCE...